Dedicated to Wellbeing
Melissa has been a group fitness instructor since 1991 and started ZenFit in 2020. The studio was once housed in a single location in Burlington. Now, Melissa is helping to lead BungeeFit in Greensboro in cooperation with Carrie Plew's Fly Factor Bungee at Ultimate Kids Gymnastics Center, and she continues to offer instructor certification courses. She leads kids' playful yoga and other events in Graham.
Additionally, she is a Multidimensional Light Language and Energy Work Facilitator specializing in sound and light thus assisting individuals as they shift into the fullness of their Divine Spiritual Nature. She sees adult and children clients in Graham, Eden and virtually by appointment. Find out more HERE.
Mother of 6. Master of Arts in Education. Certified Group Fitness Instructor (since 1991). Yoga Instructor (since 2015). Certified Meditation Facilitator (since 2014). Nationally Board Certified Teacher (2004). Various Healing Modalities, Certifications and Trainings. Previous Athletic Experiences include Half Ironman Racer, National Fitness Competitor, Spartan Race Finisher and Collegiate Cheerleader. Coaching experiences include Cheerleading and Cross Country. First Aid & CPR Certified.