My Story
I'm a Multidimensional Light Language and Energy Work Facilitator. I assist children and adults shift into a more harmonic balance. Each session is specific to your individual needs and begins with breath work and relaxation. Choose from any of the following modalities and/or allow for an integrated approach of my various spiritual gifts.
Light Language
Intuitive Healing
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Red & Near Infrared Light Therapy
Find out more about the modalities HERE
Part of My Story
My first adult encounter with Light Language was in 1995 at a church during a small group gathering. We were opening ourselves up through prayer for the Holy Spirit to work in and through us. Suddenly, I began to speak in a language I had never heard before. As I was speaking, I felt complete Divine Love. At this point, I had never heard the term Light Language, so I referred to it as Speaking in Tongues. During this same time, God began to reveal more spiritual gifts to me - the gifts of healing touch and spiritual insight. I began seeking understanding and using my gifts. Many spiritual encounters occurred, and I was always so analytical and trying to make sense of it all. It wasn't until many years later that I was able to become open enough to see the limitations I had placed upon myself.In 2008, I took a spiritual gifts class at church and began seeking a deeper understanding of my gifts and pursued trainings in reflexology to adhere to worldly “standards” of a license to share my spiritual gifts. I could feel a spiritual unrest and knew that I needed to keep seeking and learning. It wasn’t until 2011 that I began to fully embrace and understand my gifts on a multidimensional level. My dear friend and mentor, Gina Carter, helped guide me spiritually to understand and open up more to the Divine Being I Am - that we all are! Through much practice, meditation and guidance, I have shifted into an interpreter, amplifier, and telepathic Being of Light who is here to lovingly and compassionately help teach and raise the vibration for individuals and the collective consciousness for all.
More About Modalities