Energy Modalities

Light Language
Light Language is a multidimensional language that is understood by all life. Light Language consists of dynamic sound that interacts with your unique energy field. It is a piece of spiritual technology that assists you in attuning your frequency to that of your Divine blueprint. It bypasses the mind, so you are unable to get caught up in stories, and it speaks directly to your Soul. It reminds you of who you are at a soul-level, so you can shift into more harmonic frequencies.

Intuitive Healing
Intuitive Healing is utilizing moving and clearing energy through touch, light, sound & sacred movements. It can include Chakra balancing, inner child healing, Divine messages, and spiritual enlightenment. It helps restore balance and harmony in the mind, body and spirit.

Vibroacoustic Therapy
Vibroacoustic Therapy is a new sound technology that uses audible sound vibrations to reduce symptoms, invoke relaxation, and alleviate stress. You lie on a specialized mat while I stream a single harmonic low sound, specific to your needs, which impacts your entire body. This technology is developed based on the recognition that external vibration can influence body function and offer inner body massage with low sound frequencies.

Red & Near Infrared Light Therapy
Red & Near Infrared Light Therapy is a type of therapy that uses specific wavelengths of light to bring about positive health benefits. Research shows it stimulates increased production of mitochondrial energy production in the cells. Red Light & Infrared Light have longer wavelengths and are able to reach much deeper, allowing it to reach a greater amount of body tissue. You simply relax while the large light pad with over 1000 lights covers part of your body.